VeggieTales: His Cheeseburger
VeggieTales ir amerikāņu animācijas seriāls, kas veidots kompjūtergrafikas tehnikā un kura galvenie varoņi ir dārzeņi, kam piešķirtas cilvēku īpašības. Seriāls runā par morāles jautājumiem no kristietības un jūdaisma viedokļa. Taču VeggieTales nav tikai seriāls vien – tā varoņu tēli izmantoti grāmatās, spēlēs, rotaļlietu un apģērba ražošanā, un, protams, arī mūzikā.
VeggieTales autori ir Phil Vischer un Mike Nawrocki, producēšanas tiesības pieder kompānijai Big Idea. Šobrīd iznākušas apmēram 40 filmas sērijas, ieskaitot speciālas dziesmu programmas, Ziemassvētku un Lieldienu sērijas, kā arī divas pilnmetrāžas animācijas filmas. Kopš 2006.gada VeggieTales sēriāls tiek adaptēts televīzijas vajadzībām un rādīts PAX TV, PBS un TBN kristīgajos kanālos. Uz VeggieTales multfilmu bāzes izveidots VeggieTales Live skatuves šovs, kas gadu gaitā ASV izrādīts piecās dažādās versijās. Pēc filmas tēlu un sižetu motīviem izveidoti arī vairāki atrakciju parki.
Liela VeggieTales industrijas daļa ir mūzika. Kopā ar filmas varoņiem dziedājuši daudzi populāri kristīgās mūzikas mākslinieki. Pie tam dziedātas tiek ne vien dziesmiņas no filmām, bet arī citi skaņdarbi – šūpuļdziesmas, bērnu dziesmiņas, rokmūzika, slavēšanas dziesmas, retro mūzika utt.
VeggieTales diskogrāfija [nepilnīga]:
1993 VeggieTunes 1
1996 VeggieTunes 2
1996 A Very Veggie Christmas
1999 Larry-Boy: The Original Soundtrack
2000 VeggieTunes 3: A Queen, a King, and a Very Blue Berry
2001 Silly Songs with Larry
2001 Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie Soundtrack
2002 The Incredible Singing Christmas Tree
2002 Junior's Bedtime Songs
2002 Bob and Larry's Backyard Party
2002 Bob and Larry's Sunday Morning Songs
2002 Pirates Boat Load of Fun
2003 VeggieTales: Jonah's Overboard Sing-Along
2003 O Veggie, Where Art Thou?
2003 On the Road with Bob and Larry
2004 VeggieTunes 4
2004 Veggie Rocks!
2004 Junior's Playtime Songs
2004 Bob and Larry's Campfire Songs
2004 Boyz in the Sink
2005 Bob and Larry Sing The 70's
2005 Bob and Larry's Toddler Songs
2005 More Sunday Morning Songs with Bob and Larry
2006 A Very Veggie Easter
2006 VeggieTales Worship Songs
2006 LarryBoy: The New Soundtrack
2007 God Made You Special
2007 Christian Hits Music
2007 Rock-A-Bye Veggie
2008 VeggieTales Greatest Hits [izlase]
2008 The Pirates: Who Don't Do Anything Original Movie Soundtrack
He said to her “I'd like a cheeseburger.”
“And I might like a milkshake as well.”
She said to him “I can't get you either”
He said “Isn't this burger bell?”
She said “Yes it is but we're closed now.”
“But we open tomorrow at ten.”
He said “I am extremely hungry!”
“But I guess I can wait until then!”
Cuz you're his cheeseburger
His yummy cheeseburger
He'll wait for you. Ya!
He'll wait for you.
Oh, you are his cheeseburger
His tasty cheeseburger
He'll wait for you
Oh, he will wait for you.
He stayed at the drive-thru till sunrise
He may have dozed off once or twice
When he spotted a billboard for Denny's
Bacon and eggs for half price!
How could he resist such an offer?
He really needed something to munch
Cheeseburger, please do not get angry
He'll eat and be back here for lunch!
Cuz you're his cheeseburger
His precious cheeseburger
Be back for you.
He'll be back for you.
Won't be so long, cheeseburger
Oh, lovely cheeseburger
Be back for you
Oh, he'll be back for you.
Cuz he loves you cheeseburger with all his heart
And there's nothin' gonna tear you two apart
And if the world suddenly ran out of cheese,
He would get down on his hands and knees
To see if someone accidently dropped some cheese in the dirt
And he would wash it off for you
Wipe it off for you
Clean that dirty cheese off just for you!
You are his cheese … burrrr … grrrrr!
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