John Reuben: Nuisance
Amerikāņu hiphopa mākslinieks John Reuben popularitāti ieguva 2000.gadā ar savu pirmo plašākam mūzikas tirgum domāto albumu. Kopš tā laika viņa mūzika izdota simtiem tūkstošu lielās tirāžās, viņš nominēts vairākām kristīgās mūzikas Dove balvām, uzstājies kopā ar citām slavenām kristīgās mūzikas grupām un solistiem.
John Reuben Zappin piedzima ebreju ģimenē Kolumbusā, Ohaijo štatā. Kopš 15 gadu vecuma viņš piedalījās tā sauktajās reperu cīņās savā dzimtajā pilsētā, bet vēlāk ierakstīja nepilna laika albumu Monuments, ko izdeva par saviem līdzekļiem. Puisi pamanīja pazīstamā alternatīvās kristīgās mūzikas kompānija Gotee Records un piedāvāja iespēju ieiet plašākā mūzikas apritē. Jau pirmais šai kompānijai ierakstītais albums Are We There Yet? tika nominēts Dove balvai.
Arī nākamais Reuben albums Hindsight piesaistīja klausītāju uzmanību ar muzikālo žanru dažādību un humora pilnajiem dziesmu tekstiem. Kritiķi to nodēvēja par „patiešām eklektisku un radošu hiphopa albumu, kurā apvienots vecās skolas skanējums ar progresīvu producenta darbu”. Kāds pat nosauca John Reuban par Eminema kristīgo versiju. Tā Reuben kļuva par Gotee Records vienu no komerciāli visveiksmīgākajiem māksliniekiem.
John Reuben diskogrāfija:
- 1997 Monuments [nepilna laika albums]
2000 Are We There Yet?
2002 Hindsight
2003 Professional Rapper
2004 So In Hindsight the Professional Rapper Isn’t There Yet [remiksu albums]
2005 The Boy vs. The Cynic
2007 Word of Mouth
2009 Sex, Drugs and Self-Control
So here we are in this same old spot
Knowing something needs to happen but our mouths are locked
Tongue tied closed tight sealed shut yup
I tried hard but it just wouldn’t come up
It’s on the tip of my tongue it’s in the front of my mind
Yet the words were still so hard to find
Finally the reality of things to come pushed me to the edge
I jumped off the cliff into the abyss as I said
I’m not trying to be a nuisance
I just think we can do better than this
that was simply my two cents
you can you can take it or leave it
The conversation lingered on and on and
Before I knew it night had turned to dawn and
Were we searching for the truth in all of it
Or are we debating just to win the argument
Cuz none of us want to hear about where we go wrong
This song could easily be from me to you or me to John
Cuz I have the potential to be the guiltiest
My greatest strength is also my strongest weakness
I’m not trying to be a nuisance
I just think we can do better than this
that was simply my two cents
you can you can take it or leave it
I’m not trying to be a nuisance
I just think we can do better than this
that was simply my two cents
you can you can take it or leave it
Let’s think about this path that we’re taking
Let’s think about this future we’re creating
Let’s think about this life that is fading
Think about it, come on think about it now
Let’s think about this time that we’re spending
Investing in monetary things that are ending
Let’s think about it and let’s think together
And let’s think about what we can do to make it better
I’m not trying to be a nuisance
I just think we can do better than this
that was simply my two cents
you can you can take it or leave it
I’m not trying to be a nuisance
I just think we can do better than this
that was simply my two cents
you can you can take it or leave it
I’m not trying to be a nuisance
I just think we can do better than this
that was simply my two cents
you can you can take it or leave it
I’m not trying to be a nuisance
I just think we can do better than this
that was simply my two cents
you can you can take it or leave it
We can and we will do better than this