Natalie Grant: Held
Natalie Grant ir mūsdienu kristīgās mūzikas dziedātāja un dziesmu autore. Dziedātājas talants novērtēts ar četrām Dove balvām kā Gada labākajai vokālistei 2006., 2007., 2008. un 2009.gadā. Dziesma Held, ko piedāvājam jūsu uzmanībai, ir Natalie Grant vispazīstamākais skaņdarbs.
Natalie Grant ir ne vien talantīga dziedātāja un dziesmu autore, bet arī čakla kristīgā kalpotāja. Jaunībā viņa pati cieta no bulīmijas, tāpēc tagad ar vārdu un mūziku spēj kalpot pusaugu meitenēm organizācijas Women of Faith pasākumos. Pēc tam, kad kopā ar vīru Natalie viesojās Indijā un apmeklēja sarkano lukturu rajonus, liecinot turienes ļaudīm, viņas dzīve pilnībā mainījās, vedot ārā no pašapmierinātības un pasivitātes dzīvībā un kalpošanā. Šīs pārmaiņas ietekmējušas arī Natalie Grant mūziku.
Natalie Grant diskogrāfija:
1999 Natalie Grant
2001 Stronger
2003 Deeper Life
2004 Worship with Natalie Grant and Friends [pielūgsmes albums]
2005 Awaken
2005 Believe [Ziemassvētku]
2008 Relentless
2010 Love Revolution
Two months is too little, they let him go
They had no sudden healing
To think that providence
Would take a child from his mother
While she prays, is appalling
Who told us we’d be rescued
What has changed and
Why should we be saved from nightmares
We’re asking why this happens to us
Who have died to live, it’s unfair
This is what it means to be held
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was that when everything fell
We’d be held
This hand is bitterness
We want to taste it and
Let the hatred numb our sorrows
The wise hand opens slowly
To lilies of the valley and tomorrow
This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was that when everything fell
We’d be held
If hope if born of suffering
If this is only the beginning
Can we not wait for one hour
Watching for our Savior
This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was that when everything fell
We’d be held
We’d be held
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was that when everything fell
We’d be held
This is what it means to be held