Tenth Avenue North: Love Is Here
Amerikāņu kristīgās grupas Tenth Avenue North dziesma Love is Here iekļauta viņu 2008.gada albumā Over and Underneath. Dziesma ASV kristīgās mūzikas Top 20 čārtā 2008.gadā sasniedza trešo pozīciju, šādu pat vietu sasniedzot arī Billboard kristīgo dziesmu tabulā, kur noturējās veselas 13 nedēļas. Dziesma tika iekļauta ASV kristīgo radiostaciju 2008.gada 12 spēlētāko dziesmu sarakstā.
Grupu Tenth Avenue North 2000.gadā nodibināja vairāki Palmbīčas Atlantijas universitātes studenti. Sākotnēji grupā muzicēja Mike Donehey, Jason Jamison un Bryan Homan. Pašreiz grupā spēlē Mike Donehey (vokāls, akustiskā ģitāra), Jeff Owen (ģitāra, fona vokāls), Rubeb Juarez III (basģitāra, fona vokāls), Brendon Shirley (taustiņinstrumenti) un Jason Jamison (bungas). Grupas nosaukums cēlies no Palmbīčas lielākās ielas nosaukuma.
Tenth Avenue North izdeva vairākus pašfinansētus albumus, līdz 2007.gadā izgāja nacionālajā arēnā un noslēdza kontraktu ar kompāniju Reunion Records, kas 2008.gadā laida klajā grupas albumu Over and Underneath. Sekoja koncerttūre pa visu Ameriku. Vēlākajos gados grupa koncertējusi kopā ar tādām kristīgās mūzikas zvaigznēm kā David Crowder Band, Casting Crowns, MercyMe un Third Day. 2009.gadā grupa pirmoreiz tika nominēta Dove balvai kategorijā „Gada labākie jaunie mākslinieki”. Grupas dalībnieki ir arī aktīvi žēlsirdības organizācijas Compassion International biedri, sponsorējot nabadzīgus bērnus jaunattīstības zemēs.
Tenth Avenue North diskogrāfija:
2002 Broken Down
2003 Don’t Look Back
2005 Speaking of Silence
2006 God With Us [nepilna laika albums]
2008 Over and Underneath
2010 The Light Meets the Dark
2011 Live: Inside and In Between – The Shows, The Songs, The Story [koncertalbums]
Come to the waters, you who thirst and you’ll thirst no more.
Come to the father, you who work and you’ll work no more.
And all you who labor in vain and to the broken and shamed:
Love is here.
Love is now.
Love is pouring from
His hands, from his brows.
Love is near, it satisfies.
Streams of mercy flowing from his side.
Cuz love is here.
Come to the treasure, you who search and you’ll search no more.
Come to the lover you who want and you’ll want no more, no.
And all you who labor in vain and to the broken and shamed, yeah
Love is here.
Love is now.
Love is pouring from his hands, from his brows.
Love is near, it satisfies.
Streams of mercy flowing from his side.
And to the bruised and fallen,
Captives, bound, and broken hearted.
He is the lord
He is the lord,
By his stripes he’s paid our ransom
From his wounds we drink salvation
He is the lord
He is the lord
Love is here.
Love is now.
Love is pouring from his hands, from his brows.
Love is near,
It satisfies.
Streams of mercy flowing from his side.
Streams of mercy flowing from his side.
Cuz love is here
Love is here.