DC Talk: Colored People
1989.gadā Brīvības universitātē Linčburgā, ASV, reperis Toby McKeehan (tobyMac) un Michael Tait izveidoja grupu DC Talk. Grupas nosaukums atšifrējams kā decent christian talk jeb “pieklājīgas kristīgas sarunas”. Vēlāk grupai pievienojās Kevin Max.
Puiši noslēdza kontraktu ar kompāniju ForeFront Records, kas tajā pašā gadā laida klajā viņu debijas albumu – vienu no pirmajiem kristīgā repa albumiem. Arī nākamie albumi turpināja pirmajā aizsāktās hip-hop tradīcijas, taču pamazām DC Talk skanējums kļuva tradicionālāks un ievirzījās poproka gultnē.
DC Talk vienmēr bijuši aktīvi evaņģēliskās vēsts paudēji Amerikas jaunatnes vidū. Viņi ir piedalījušies Billija Grehema jauniešiem domātajos evaņģelizācijas pasākumos, sadarbojušies ar tādiem kristīgās mūzikas grandiem kā Michael W. Smith un Carman.
Savas muzikālās karjeras gados DC Talk nopelnījuši četras Grammy un 17 Dove [Grammy ekvivalents kristīgajā mūzikā] balvas, izcīnījuši augstas vietas dažādās dziesmu tabulās.
DC Talk galvenā vēsts vienmēr bijusi kristīgā ticība. Viņus raksturo arī izteikti negatīva nostāja pret dažādām rasisma izpausmēm. Šī tēma atspoguļota arī dziesmā Colored People. Cīņai pret rasu aizspriedumiem puiši izveidojuši E.R.A.C.E. fondu, kas aicina amerikāņus uz iecietību un sadarbību starp dažādas ādas krāsas cilvēkiem.
DC Talk diskogrāfija:
- 1989 – DC Talk
1990 – Nu Thang
1992 – Free at Last
1994 – Free at Last: Extended Play Remixes [rīmeiki]
1995 – Jesus Freak
1997 – Welcome to the Freak Show [koncertieraksts]
1998 – Supernatural
2000 – Intermission: the Greatest Hits [izlase]
2001 – Solo: Special Edition
2002 – Free at Last: 10th Anniversary
2006 – The Early Years [izlase]
2006 – Jesus Freak: 10th Anniversary Special Edition [2CD]
2007 – Greatest Hits [izlase]
[1, 1, 1, 1… 2, 2, 2, 2… 3, 3, 3, 3… 4, 4, 4, 4]
Pardon me, your epidermis is showing, sir
I couldnt help but note your shade of melanin
I tip my hat to the colorful arrangement
Cause I see the beauty in the tones of our skin
Weve gotta come together
And thank the maker of us all
Were colored people, and we live in a tainted place
Were colored people, and they call us the human race
Weve got a history so full of mistakes
And we are colored people who depend on a holy grace
[1, 1, 1, 1… 2, 2, 2, 2… 3, 3, 3, 3… 4, 4, 4, 4]
A piece of canvas is only the beginning for
It takes on character with every loving stroke
This thing of beauty is the passion of an artists heart
By gods design, we are a skin kaleidoscope
Weve gotta come together,
Arent we all human after all?
Were colored people, and we live in a tainted place
Were colored people, and they call us the human race
Weve got a history so full of mistakes
And we are colored people who depend on a holy grace
Ignorance has wronged some races
And vengeance is the lords
If we aspire to share this space
Repentance is the cure
[1, 1, 1, 1… 2, 2, 2, 2… 3, 3, 3, 3… 4, 4, 4, 4]
Well, just a day in the shoes of a color blind man
Should make it easy for you to see
That these diverse tones do more than cover our bones
As a part of our anatomy
Were colored people, and we live in a tainted place
Were colored people, and they call us the human race
Weve got a history so full of mistakes
And we are colored people who depend on a holy grace
Were colored people, and they call us the human race
[oh, colored people]
Were colored people, and we all gotta share this space
[yeah weve got to come together somehow]
Were colored people, and we live in a tainted world
[red and yellow, black and white]
Were colored people, every man, woman, boy, and girl
[colored people, colored people, colored people, colored people, yeah]
man draugos {Matīss Babrovskis) ir video DCtalk – Jesus freak
forsha dziesma :)
e-mincnei mūzikas noskaņa, kas vada DC Talk – What If I Stubmle, šķiet tīri pieņemama – vienīgi tekstiņš tāds pajēls
ar cieņu
Jūsu e-minence
Baigi laba dziesma, What if I stumble (kas tad, ja es palklupšu), man patīk solista vokāls, tāds manevrētspējīgs. Grupa dzirdēta, bet īsti neiepazīta.
pateicoties e-minences pūlēm mums tagad ir daudz video, arī no DC Talk. Mazliet pacietību un viss būs.
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