Nate Sallie: Breakthrough
Nate Allen Sallie uz kristīgās popmūzikas skatuves pazīstams kļuva 2003.gadā, kad kompānija Curb Records laida klajā viņa pirmo albumu. 2007.gadā tam sekoja otrs – Ruined for Ordinary, – kura dziesmu Breaktrough piedāvājam jūsu uzmanībai.
Nate Sallie piedzima 1976.gadā Keterlingā, Ohaijo. Ar Kristu Nate sastapās jau bērnībā, kad piedzīvoja arī īpašu Svētā Gara pieskārienu. Vēlāk viņš iesaistījās draudzes slavēšanas grupā, pēc tam spēlējis arī dažādās kristīgās grupās. Pēc albuma Inside Out iznākšanas, vairākas no tā dziesmām ieguva diezgan plašu skanējumu kristīgajās radiostacijās un dažādos pasākumos. Bet daudz plašāku auditoriju Nate Sallie guva ar savu otro albumu Ruined for Ordinary.
Nate Sallie diskogrāfija:
2003 Inside Ouit
2007 Ruined for Ordinary
I’ve been watching from the outside for too long
Running away from where I belong
Seeing the same old song and dance
Song and dance
You’ve been running on the inside for so long
Waiting to be where You belong
Drawing me closer to the great romance
The great romance
Mercy is knocking at my door
Yours is a love I can’t ignore
The fight for my life was only
Before I was ever born
I, I feel You breaking through in everything I do
I feel my soul renewed
My, my mark is clear and new, Your words are coming true
Everywhere I move You’re breaking through, yeah
I’ve been living in the shadows of years gone by
Under the mask of my own demise
But You won’t let me just fade away, fade away
I’ve never known this love before
Shooting through my veins, I want more
Strict me up everything
But the one thing I adore
I, I feel You breaking through in everything I do
I feel my soul renewed
My, my mark is clear and new, Your words are coming true
Everywhere I move You’re breaking through, yeah
Won’t You please ruin me
For a life ordinary, yeah
All I see is Your holy covering
Moving over me
And I, I feel You breaking through in everything I do
I feel my soul renewed
I feel You breaking through, yeah
Every day I wake up to the sound
Of angels singing out their song
I feel You
I feel You breaking
I feel You breaking through